Certificate in Customer Relations Management


Customer Retention is vital for all organizations today, as the costs of customer acquisition rise within a global competitive environment. The Global Certificate in Customer Relations Management provides a comprehensive learning program focused on developing the skills and knowledge in your people in delivering quality service, and also in the practices, systems and technologies which can enable high value customer relations management.


Customer Retention is vital for all organizations today, as the costs of customer acquisition rise within a global competitive environment. The Global Certificate in Customer Relations Management provides a comprehensive learning program focused on developing the skills and knowledge in your people in delivering quality service, and also in the practices, systems and technologies which can enable high value customer relations management.

  • Level: Middle Managers and Marketing Professionals
  • Courses: 4 (see course details below)
  • Learning: On Demand 24/7
  • CPD Hours: 100 Hours (each course takes approx. 20 hours to complete)
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Certification: GMA Professional Credentials

Key Benefits

On completing the Professional Certificate in Customer Relations Management, you will have acquired skills and knowledge to lead the customer contact and customer management processes in the organization. You will learn about best practices in call centre sales and how to effectively manage the call centre sales team. You will learn about best practices and processes to attract customers into the organization and how to lead the focus on customer profitability. You will learn about relationship marketing and key account management, and how apply customer relations management technologies and processes to enhance customer satisfaction and ensure loyalty and retention. You will also learn the principles of consumer behaviour and how to analyse your customer base and product / service profiles to achieve optimum market presence. Finally, you will learn how to conduct value and supply chain analysis to identify opportunities to improve service delivery, improve retention and enhance business profitability.

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Program Content

This program comprises the following courses:


This course provides managers and aspiring Human Resource Management professionals with an essential introduction to the scope of HRM, and provides the foundation for good management practice across the organization.



This course is designed to help first-line managers develop their skills and knowledge and practice to successfully lead a front-line service team, and enable your team to meet customer needs and promote service excellence.



The Global CRM training course provides the framework for relevant customer engagement through customer relationship management. It provides a strategic approach to customer engagement enabling you to build an integrated organization-wide management system which will improve your firm’s sales process, build customer loyalty, and significantly improve your bottom line.



The focus of this course is on service quality, and helps managers develop the tools and techniques to evaluate service quality, and set standards and processes in place to both maintain and continually improve the quality of service provided to customers.


Skills / Knowledge

On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Supervise people effectively
  • Understand principles of leadership
  • Lead a team effectively
  • Motivate people for performance
  • Communicate effectively with customers and staff
  • Develop and maintain effective workplace relationships
  • Meet customer needs
  • Manage stress at work
  • Coach a work team effectively
  • Know how to exceed customer expectations
  • Know how to collect and analyze customer feedback
  • Know how to identify and meet customer needs
  • Resolve customer complaints effectively
  • Cope with difficult customers
  • Deal effectively with angry customers
  • Plan and manage service recovery
  • Develop a compliants policy and prcedures for the business
  • Measure customer satisfaction
  • Monitor service quality
  • Develop customer service standards
  • Set service improvement targets
  • Build a service focused team
  • Motivate your team
  • Understand a range of motivation theories
  • Set motivating team goals and targets
  • Use motivation techniques to resolve employee performance problems
  • Analyze and evaluate the customer value chain
  • Evaluate the supply chain to improve customer service
  • Conduct a PESTLE analysis
  • Assess the operating environment
  • Apply CRM systems to improve sales management
  • Apply CRM systems to improve Marketing activities
  • Select the best fit CRM system to meet business needs
  • Measure levels of customer loyalty


Professional Credential Awards

CPD Certificates – On completion of each course in the program, you will be able to download and print a Course Completion Certificate, detailing your Continuing Professional Development Credits.

Digital Credentials – On successful completion of all your courses, you will receive an email with a link to your Digital Credentials. These will include your Digital Badge and Digital Certificate.

Social Share – You will be able to share your digital credentials on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.