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Succeeding in Emerging Markets

Succeeding in Emerging Markets

Re-inventing the Business Model: Those of us who have experience developing business in emerging markets, such as India, Thailand, Indonesia etc.. will be aware of the opportunities (India has more

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Ethical Intelligence

Develop your Ethical Intelligence

A Guide for Business Managers and Leaders: Do you know any business leaders who clearly display ‘moral leadership’? According to The HOW Institute’s 2020 Survey Report on ‘The State  of

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Improving Employee Productivity

Improving Employee Productivity

Unlocking Employee Potential! The Leadership Role in Improving Employee Productivity Introduction Productivity statistics compiled by Voucher Cloud, indicate that the average worker who works an eight-hour workday is only productive

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How to succeed in management

How to Succeed in Management

Introduction: In the competitive landscape of the corporate world today, climbing the ladder from lower-level supervisor or manager to a more senior role requires planning, dedication, and continuous self-improvement.  Aspiring

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