Crafting a One-Page Strategic Plan

one-page strategic plan

How often do you see or read the company’s strategic plan? For many managers, the strategic plan may seem like an artifice which is buried deep in the corporate archives (or worse) and only brought out for the annual review.

Indeed, a study by MIT Sloan of 124 companies found that only 28% of executives and middle managers responsible for executing strategy, could list their organizations top 3 strategic priorities. What then of the 72% of the managers tasked with executing strategy who are unfamiliar with it?

Strategy is meaningless if it is not communicated, discussed, reviewed and revised where necessary. Communicating a 15 to 20 page strategic plan is challenging. Making it part of quarterly and annual decision making can be even harder.

A one-page strategic plan provides a concise yet comprehensive roadmap designed to navigate uncertainties and capitalize on opportunities. In this article, we will explore the value and benefits of developing a one-page strategic plan, breaking down its essential elements how to get started in building your own one page plan.

Benefits of a One-Page Strategic Plan

The benefits of a one page strategic plan for your business can include:

Agility and Adaptability:

In the fast-changing business environments, a one-page plan promotes agility and adaptability. It allows leaders to respond quickly to market changes, emerging opportunities, or unexpected challenges.

Simplifying the Complex:

One-page strategic plans are concise, but not reductive. They include the essential elements of a formal strategic plan, while enabling a full understanding of the range of business activities decisions that will enable successful strategy implementation. The one-page plan promotes shared understanding among all employees throughout the company.

Focused Execution:

By breaking down strategic goals into smaller, actionable steps, the plan ensures focused execution. This prevents the organization from feeling overwhelmed and helps maintain momentum towards achieving objectives.

Enhanced Communication and Alignment:

A well-crafted one-page strategic plan fosters communication and alignment within the organization. When everyone understands the vision, mission, and specific goals, they can work together cohesively towards shared objectives.

Improved Decision-Making:

The plan serves as a decision-making guide, providing a framework for evaluating choices against strategic priorities. Leaders can make informed decisions that align with the long-term vision and contribute to overall success.

Enabling Review and Revision

A one-page strategic plan enables more frequent review of strategy, and the enables managers at all levels to contribute more readily to making changes in targets, in resource needs, and in overall direction when required.

Resource Optimization:

Identifying critical resources and allocating them efficiently ensures that the organization is using its assets wisely. This prevents resource wastage and enhances the overall cost-effectiveness of the strategic plan.

Developing a One-Page Strategic Plan

You can download a one page plan template here: ONE PAGE STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE 

Here are the steps we recommend for developing your one-page plan. The examples we provide are from a sustainable energy solutions company. View the plan template as you work through the article.

Step 1: Vision and Mission:

Vision: A clear vision articulates the desired future state of the organization, serving as a guiding beacon for decisions and actions. In the one-page plan, defining a compelling vision creates alignment and inspires the team towards a common goal.

Here is an example Vision: “To be the leading provider of sustainable energy solutions globally, contributing to a greener and cleaner future.”

Mission: The mission statement outlines the organization’s purpose, describing what it does, for whom, and how. A succinct mission statement in the strategic plan provides a sense of direction and helps stakeholders understand the fundamental purpose of the organization.

Here is an example Mission: “Empowering communities with accessible and affordable renewable energy sources, fostering environmental responsibility.”

Step 2: Products and Services:

Clearly outline the range of products and services offered by the organization. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement to enhance the overall value proposition. This section ensures a deep understanding of what the organization brings to the market and how it meets customer needs.

Examples for renewable energies company might include:

  • Solar Panels
  • Wind Turbines
  • Energy Storage Solutions
  • Energy Consultancy Services

Identifying these offerings ensures a clear understanding of the organization’s value proposition in the market.

Step 3: Key Strategic Markets:

Identify and prioritize the key markets that offer the greatest growth potential. Assess market trends, customer behavior, and competition. Understanding the target markets enables leaders to allocate resources effectively and tailor strategies to specific needs.

Examples for your company might include:

  1. North America: Focus on residential solar solutions.
  2. Europe: Penetrating the commercial wind energy sector.
  • Asia-Pacific: Addressing the growing demand for energy storage solutions.

Understanding and prioritizing these markets guide resource allocation and market-specific strategies.

Step 4: Your Competitive Advantage:

Highlight the unique aspects that set your business apart from competitors. This could include proprietary technology, exceptional customer service, or a highly skilled workforce. Recognizing and leveraging your competitive advantage strengthens your market position and influences strategic decisions.

Examples might include:

  1. Proprietary Technology: Advanced solar panel efficiency.
  2. Exceptional Customer Service: 24/7 support and personalized energy consultations.
  3. Highly Skilled Workforce: Continuous training to stay abreast of industry innovations.

Highlighting these aspects reinforces the organization’s unique position in the market.

Step 5: Strategic Goals and Enabling Objectives:

Establish clear, measurable, and time-bound goals aligned with the organization’s vision. Break down these goals into enabling objectives, outlining the specific steps and milestones necessary to achieve success. This section provides a roadmap for the team, ensuring everyone is working towards a common purpose.

Examples might include:

Strategic Goal: Achieve 20% market share in North America’s residential solar sector within the next 12 months.

Enabling Objectives:

  1. Increase marketing efforts by 30% to raise awareness.
  2. Enhance customer service response time by establishing a dedicated support team in January 2024.

Breaking down goals into specific objectives provides clarity and facilitates effective execution.

Step 6: Critical Operational Processes:

Identify and prioritize the core operational processes crucial for the organization’s success. Streamlining and optimizing these processes contribute to efficiency and effectiveness. The one-page plan should address any bottlenecks or inefficiencies hindering smooth operations.

Example critical processes might include:

  1. Streamlining Solar Panel Manufacturing
  2. Optimizing Supply Chain for Wind Turbines
  3. Implementing Efficient Energy Consultation Protocols

Prioritizing and refining these processes enhances overall operational efficiency.

Step 7: Key Strategic Targets:

Define specific, quantifiable targets that align with the strategic goals. These targets could include market share percentages, revenue milestones, or customer acquisition numbers. Tracking progress against these targets allows leaders to make informed adjustments to the strategy.

Examples here might include:

  1. Capture 15% of the residential solar market by Q2.
  2. Achieve a 10% increase in revenue from wind energy solutions by the end of the fiscal year.
  3. Secure partnerships with three major energy consultancies within six months.

Setting specific targets ensures a measurable approach to success.

Step 8: Critical Resources:

Clearly identify the resources required to execute the strategic plan successfully. This encompasses financial resources, skilled personnel, technology, and any other critical assets. Adequate resource allocation ensures the plan can be implemented without unnecessary hurdles.

Examples here might include:

  1. Financial Resources: Allocate $5 million for R&D in solar panel technology.
  2. Skilled Personnel: Recruit additional engineers for wind turbine optimization.
  3. Technology: Invest in advanced CRM systems for improved customer service.

Identifying and allocating these resources ensures effective plan implementation.

Step 9: Key Strategic Alliances:

Cultivate relationships with key partners, suppliers, and collaborators. Strategic alliances can provide access to new markets, technologies, or resources. The one-page plan should outline the goals of these alliances and how they contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Examples here might include:

  1. Partnership with a leading solar research institute for technological advancements.
  2. Collaboration with a global logistics firm for streamlined supply chain operations.
  3. Joint ventures with local energy consultancies to expand market reach.

Cultivating these alliances opens avenues for shared success.


For large and small businesses alike, for strategic business units divisions alike, a one-page strategic plan emerges as a powerful tool, providing an accessible roadmap for success. By meticulously addressing elements such as vision, competitive advantage, and key strategic targets, leaders can guide their organizations through dynamic landscapes, ensuring adaptability, focused execution, and ultimately, sustained growth. As businesses navigate the complexities of the modern marketplace, the one-page strategic plan stands as a concise yet comprehensive guide, leading them towards their envisioned future.

Download the One Page Plan Template here: ONE PAGE STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE

Want to learn more: Consider the Global Professional Credential in Strategic Planning and Management

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