Nurturing the New Normal: Making the Hybrid Office a Success

Making the hybrid office a success


The landscape of work has changed dramatically in the past 4 years, with remote work becoming an integral part of modern professional life. As we transition into the hybrid office environment, it’s crucial for organizations to create an atmosphere that welcomes employees back and empowers them to thrive in this flexible workplace  setting. In this article, we consider the pros and cons of the hybrid workplace, and then explore strategies managers can use to create a viable and attractive hybrid work environment, and in  so doing, encourage their employees to embrace the hybrid office model.

First, let’s consider the challenges companies face:

Why Companies Encounter Resistance to Hybrid Working

While many organizations are eager to embrace and enhance hybrid workplace, they are met with various challenges that stem from the evolution of work dynamics, and outdated management practices:

Here are some common reasons why managers or employers may resist the move to hybrid working:

Concerns about Productivity and Accountability:

  • Lack of Visibility: Some managers worry about not being able to directly oversee employees’ work when they are not physically present in the office.
  • Perception of Reduced Productivity: There may be a fear that employees working remotely may not be as productive or may be prone to distractions.

Corporate Culture and Team Dynamics:

  • Fear of Diluted Company Culture: Managers may worry that a hybrid model could weaken the sense of belonging and camaraderie among team members.
  • Challenges in Team Building: Building and maintaining a cohesive team can be more challenging when team members are physically dispersed.

Management Style and Control:

  • Preference for Traditional Management Styles: Some managers may be more comfortable with a traditional management approach that involves close supervision and direct oversight.
  • Reluctance to Adapt: Adapting to new ways of managing remote and in-person employees may be perceived as challenging.

Communication Concerns:

  • Fear of Communication Breakdowns: Managers may worry about miscommunication or a lack of effective collaboration when team members are not in the same physical location.
  • Technical Challenges: Concerns about the reliability of technology and tools for virtual communication may lead to resistance.

Resistance to Change:

  • Comfort with the Status Quo: Some managers may be resistant to change and prefer to stick with the established ways of working.
  • Uncertainty about Implementation: Concerns about the logistical challenges of implementing a hybrid model may contribute to resistance.

Perceived Impact on Innovation and Creativity:

  • Loss of Spontaneous Interactions: Managers may worry that the absence of face-to-face interactions will hinder spontaneous brainstorming and idea-sharing.
  • Potential for Siloed Work: Concerns about employees working in silos and missing out on cross-functional collaboration.

Security and Data Protection Concerns:

  • Data Security: Managers may be concerned about the security of sensitive information when employees work remotely.
  • Compliance Issues: Worries about compliance with data protection regulations and industry-specific standards.

Personal Preferences or Biases:

  • Preferential Treatment: Some managers may have a personal preference for in-person work and may inadvertently show bias against remote employees.
  • Scepticism about Remote Work: Deep-seated beliefs or biases against remote work based on personal experience or cultural norms.

It’s important to note that these concerns can often be addressed through effective communication, clear policies, and the implementation of supportive technologies and tools. Managers play a critical role in facilitating the transition to a hybrid work model and should be engaged in open discussions about the benefits and challenges it presents.

The Downsides of the Hybrid Office

Hybrid work environments bring with them a number of downsides, including:

Reduced Team Cohesion:

While hybrid work models can provide flexibility, they may also lead to a sense of detachment among team members. Building strong working relationships and a sense of camaraderie becomes more challenging when employees are not consistently present in the office.

Example: A tech start-up found that while remote work increased individual productivity, it led to a decline in spontaneous interactions and team cohesion. This resulted in a perceived loss of innovation and creativity within their teams.

Lack of Mentoring and Development for new Employees

Empty offices may leave new employees seeking to learn on the job, isolated and dismayed, finding themselves without guidance, advice, support and the camaraderie that comes from being part of a team in the workplace.

Example: A major engineering company recruited new graduate engineers, and received numerous complaints that the graduates often found the offices empty with mentoring completely inaccessible.

Communication Challenges:

Effective communication can be more challenging in a hybrid environment, especially if not all team members are present in the same physical space. Misunderstandings and miscommunications may occur, potentially leading to delays or errors in projects.

Example: A marketing agency noticed an increase in communication breakdowns when they transitioned to a hybrid model. This prompted them to implement regular video meetings, ensuring that everyone felt included and informed, regardless of their location.

Inequality in Opportunities:

There’s a risk of creating a two-tiered workforce, where those who are present in the office have more access to opportunities for mentorship, networking, and high-profile projects. This can inadvertently disadvantage remote workers in terms of career advancement.

Example: A financial institution realized that employees who worked predominantly in the office were more likely to receive mentorship and visibility from leadership. To address this, they implemented virtual mentorship programs and ensured all employees had equal access to high-profile projects.

Loss of Serendipitous Interactions:

The casual, spontaneous interactions that occur in an office setting—such as impromptu brainstorming sessions or chance encounters in the break room—can be more challenging to replicate in a hybrid model. These interactions often lead to unexpected insights and collaborations.

Example: A design agency found that their remote teams struggled with replicating the organic brainstorming sessions that occurred in the office. To address this, they implemented virtual collaboration tools and scheduled regular creative sessions to stimulate idea-sharing.

Difficulty in Managing Performance:

Managers may find it more challenging to assess and manage the performance of remote team members, particularly if they do not have direct visibility into their day-to-day activities.

Example: A retail company noticed that remote employees often felt disconnected from their supervisors, leading to performance concerns. They implemented regular check-ins, utilizing video calls and collaboration platforms to maintain a strong feedback loop.

The Upsides of the Hybrid Office

While challenges do exist, the upsides of hybrid working are substantial and can lead to increased productivity, enhanced employee satisfaction, and a more dynamic, adaptable organization. In this article, we’ll delve into the specific advantages that companies can gain from adopting a hybrid work model. The Upsides of Hybrid Working for Companies include:

Enhanced Productivity:

In certain businesses, hybrid working can significantly improve workforce productivity, reducing time wasting in the office, tardiness and absenteeism.

Example: A tech company implemented a hybrid work model, allowing employees to choose where they work. Surprisingly, they found that employee productivity increased by 18%. This was attributed to reduced commuting stress, personalized work environments, and the ability to work during their most productive hours.

Access to a Global Talent Pool:

Many businesses can now recruit from a much wider talent pool, as managing remote staff has become the norm, not the exception.

Example: A marketing agency headquartered in a major city transitioned to a hybrid model. This allowed them to hire top talent from different regions, expanding their pool of potential candidates and bringing in fresh perspectives that enriched their creative output.

Cost Savings:

Companies can reduce the real estate cost significantly, reducing the amount of office space required, and enabling relocations to less expensive areas.

Example: A financial services firm significantly reduced real estate expenses by downsizing their office space while maintaining an effective hybrid work model. This led to substantial cost savings that could be reinvested into employee development and innovative projects. One company which has embraced the potential savings opportunities is investment banking company JP Morgan Chase. CEO Jamie Dimon told shareholders in 2020 that:

“Remote work will change how we manage our real estate. We will quickly move to a more ‘open seating’ arrangement, in which digital tools will help manage seating arrangements, as well as needed amenities, such as conference room space. As a result, for every 100 employees, we may need seats for only 60 on average. This will significantly reduce our need for real estate.”

Increased Employee Satisfaction and Retention:

Hybrid working is the new norm, and many employees demand such flexibility.

Example: A consulting firm saw a notable uptick in employee satisfaction scores after implementing a hybrid work policy. Employees reported feeling more trusted, valued, and in control of their work-life balance, which contributed to higher retention rates and a positive company culture.

Flexibility in Scaling Operations:

Hybrid working also enable upscaling without significant and time consuming relocations and new office acquisitions.

Example: A start-up experienced rapid growth and needed to quickly scale its workforce. With a hybrid work model in place, the company was able to onboard new employees seamlessly, without the need for additional physical office space.

Improved Work-Life Balance:

Extensive research  shows that Hybrid working has demonstrated its value in improving employee job-satisfaction and overall well-being.

Example: An insurance company found that employees who had the option to work from home reported a better work-life balance, resulting in decreased burnout rates and higher job satisfaction. This led to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Environmental Impact:

An obvious benefit for the wider community is the reduction in carbon emissions from fewer road trips to work, but this also has benefits for the company’s reputation in the ‘green’ economy.

Example: A technology company reduced its carbon footprint by implementing a hybrid work model, resulting in fewer employees commuting to the office daily. This environmental benefit aligned with the company’s sustainability goals, demonstrating their commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Increased Diversity and Inclusion:

Finally, an unforeseen benefit for organizations has been the improvement levels of diversity awareness and cross cultural experience from increased remote working.

Example: A multinational corporation noticed that their hybrid work policy allowed employees from different time zones and cultural backgrounds to collaborate more effectively. This fostered a more inclusive work environment and facilitated a diversity of thought in their teams.

By leveraging a hybrid workplace model, companies can tap into these benefits to create a dynamic, adaptable, and employee-centric work environment that fosters productivity, innovation, and long-term success.

Companies that have Re-engineered the Office for Hybrid Working

Let’s highlight some successful examples of companies that have effectively encouraged their
employees to return to the office in the new hybrid work environment:


Flexible Office Arrangements: Salesforce has implemented a “Work From Anywhere” model, allowing employees to choose how often they come into the office. They’ve designed their workspaces to be collaborative hubs, providing flexible seating and various meeting spaces to cater to different work styles.

Wellness Initiatives: Salesforce has prioritized employee well-being by investing in wellness amenities like meditation rooms, fitness centers, and health clinics. These offerings aim to create an inviting environment that encourages employees to utilize the office space.


Re-imagined Office Spaces: Microsoft has transformed its office spaces into what they call “hybrid-optimized environments.” They’ve integrated technology to support seamless virtual collaboration, and have created inspiring, inclusive spaces that facilitate both in-person and remote work.

Learning and Development OpportunitiesMicrosoft provides employees with opportunities for skill-building, with
programs like the Microsoft Learning Center. This helps employees feel that the office environment is a place for growth and development.


Flexible Work Schedules: Google is allowing employees to work up to three days a week from home or from any
location. They’ve provided tools and resources to support remote work, such as virtual team-building activities and wellness sessions.

Tech-Enabled Collaboration: Google has leveraged its advanced technology to create a seamless hybrid work experience. They’ve integrated tools like Google Workspace and Google Meet to ensure that employees can collaborate effectively, whether they’re in the office or working remotely.


Re-defined Office Spaces: Dropbox has reimagined its office spaces to emphasize collaboration, with a focus on meeting rooms and communal areas. They’ve also created a “studios” program, where employees can book specialized spaces for focused work, brainstorming, or creative sessions.

Employee Choice: Dropbox has embraced a “Virtual First” approach, allowing employees to choose where they work best. They’ve provided stipends for home office equipment and have offered flexibility in work hours, demonstrating a commitment to supporting their employees’ preferred work arrangements.

These examples illustrate that successful companies in the new hybrid work environment have prioritized flexibility, invested in reimagined office spaces, promoted employee well-being, and leveraged technology to create a seamless and inviting work environment. By giving employees the autonomy to choose their work arrangements and providing the necessary tools and resources, these organizations have successfully encouraged their employees to return to the office while respecting individual preferences and needs.

Strategies to Make the Hybrid Office a Success

By better understanding the challenges and benefits of hybrid working, organizations can create more productive work environments, reduce operating costs, increase productivity and improve satisfaction and retention.

Here are some strategies you may want to employ (if you are not doing so already) to realize the benefits of hybrid working:

Foster Flexibility and Autonomy

One of the key attractions of remote work is the flexibility it offers. To bridge the gap between the comforts of home and the structured environment of the office, organizations should continue to offer flexibility and autonomy in work arrangements. Allow employees to choose their workdays, within reason, and provide tools that enable them to seamlessly transition between remote and in-office work. This approach empowers employees, making them feel trusted and valued.

Invest in Technology and Infrastructure

A seamless transition between in-person and remote work requires robust technological infrastructure. Provide employees with the necessary hardware, software, and collaborative tools to ensure a smooth workflow regardless of location. Moreover, invest in secure and reliable internet connections, and ensure that the office environment is equipped with modern amenities to support a hybrid work model.

Redefine Workspace Design

As employees return to the office, consider redesigning the workspace to cater to the needs of a hybrid workforce. Create versatile workstations that accommodate both collaborative and individual tasks. Provide comfortable, ergonomic furniture and designate areas for focused work, brainstorming sessions, and casual interactions. This redesign will facilitate a sense of belonging and engagement, even for those who split their time between home and the office.

Prioritize Health and Safety

In light of recent events, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is paramount. Implementing stringent health and safety measures, such as enhanced cleaning protocols, well-ventilated spaces, and accessible sanitization stations, will help alleviate any concerns employees may have about returning to the office. Regular communication on these measures is essential to instil confidence and peace of mind.

Foster a Culture of Collaboration

Hybrid work models can inadvertently lead to isolation, as employees split their time between different locations. To counteract this, promote a culture of collaboration that transcends physical boundaries. Encourage regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and social events, both in-person and virtually. Leverage technology to facilitate seamless communication, making sure remote employees feel as connected as their in-office counterparts.

Provide Opportunities for Skill Development

In a rapidly changing work landscape, continuous learning is crucial. Offer opportunities for professional development, whether through workshops, seminars, or online courses. Encourage employees to acquire new skills and knowledge that will not only benefit them personally, but also add value to the organization. By investing in their growth, you show employees that their development is a priority.

Seek Employee Input and Feedback

Engage employees in the decision-making process regarding the hybrid work model. Conduct surveys and hold open discussions to understand their preferences, concerns, and suggestions. Act on this feedback to demonstrate that their opinions are valued and that the organization is committed to creating a work environment that suits their needs.

Recognize and Reward Achievements

Acknowledging and celebrating achievements, whether big or small, is vital in maintaining employee morale and motivation. Implement a recognition program that highlights exceptional performance and contributions. This can be done through verbal praise, written commendations, or tangible rewards. Recognizing employee efforts reinforces their sense of purpose and strengthens their commitment to the organization.


Transitioning to the hybrid office model requires a thoughtful and inclusive approach. By prioritizing flexibility, investing in technology, redesigning workspaces, ensuring health and safety, fostering collaboration, providing growth opportunities, seeking employee input, and recognizing achievements, organizations can create an environment where employees feel supported and motivated to embrace this new way of working. Additionally, the Hybrid office model calls for a new approach to asset management.  Real estate costs and related expenses are usually the second or third largest outlay for companies, after payroll. Companies that hope to remain competitive will need to start shedding their unnecessary office space as soon as possible or risk being left behind by first actors. By embracing the real potential of the hybrid office, companies can unlock the full potential of their workforce and remain competitive in the new office reality.


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